The literature often captures the fact that relatively few early adopters interact with the technology and the social practices related to this. Few studies consider the procedural aspects of participation and issues of inclusion and outcomes. Theories other than SPT have the potential to analyse this sociotechnical interaction in everyday life, as done in the reviewed article, but only to a lesser extent. For example, Nyborg and Røpke applied an actor-network perspective to illustrate how some societal groups were less willing to be enrolled by the ministry in the smart grid programme, and how the utility and significance of heat pumps were strengthened by smart grid development.

Initial screening was performed by reading the abstracts and sometimes the introductions of the articles, together with a quick scanning of the full article. If the records were solely technical or made no mention of social sciences, they were excluded. This screening resulted in a total of 304 relevant articles, which were further examined with respect to smart grids and social science. After reading and analysing the full-text versions of these articles, those that focused solely on technical issues and did not have a social science perspective were excluded.

As part of the Energiewende, the federal parliament passed the Act on the Digitalisation of the Energy Transition in 2016, calling for development of a smart meter infrastructure, called the Smart Meter Gateway, contributing to the focus on smart meters in the studies. The studies from the Nordic countries have emphasised the envisioned smart grid and material participation in it. When material participation is considered, the researchers apply an ‘object-oriented’ or ‘device-centred’ perspective where attention is paid to the role of technologies and material objects in everyday interactions with the energy system. The actor perspective has been evident since the first social science articles on smart grids and been an important counterweight to all technically focused research.

definition of technical reviewer

Büscher and Sumpf , for example, found that it cannot be assumed, as proponents do, that the customers/public will simply shift their behaviour once they receive smart appliances, technologies, meters, etc. As a small startup company developing a new product, we needed an outside resource that could quickly understand our business model, product and regulatory pathway definition of technical reviewer while developing our quality management system. Initially I thought this would be an impossible task, but after our first meeting with John, we knew we had found the team that could help us. SpectraMedEx understood the idiosyncrasies of our startup business and quickly developed a top-notch quality management system and trained our employees on its use.

Finally, due to the limited resources, we excluded non-English literature from our review, which may have resulted in a geographical bias. A focus on Asia is not that common in the corpus, with European case studies dominating the spotlight, followed by US ones. European studies do not always focus on a specific country, but when they do, countries located in northern Europe are dominant. Most empirical studies were conducted in the UK , Germany , and the Netherlands . Moreover, in recent years, the number of articles conducted in Denmark has increased.

Test Readiness Review (TRR)

Sovacool et al. noted that a narrative review provides an exploratory evaluation of the literature or a subset of the literature in a particular area. We started to categorise the data according to different themes and geographical categories and tease out different themes or storylines. Our own observations were also included in one specific coding section. For three years, five Elsevier journals experimented with publication of peer review reports as articles alongside the accepted paper on ScienceDirect .

The study was exploratory in character, and the inductive analysis involved data-driven categories. It is recommended that literature reviews be organised in relation to, for example, concepts, themes, theories, or disciplines , and this was done in the analysis. According to Hammersley , even the simplest rule-following entails an element of interpretation, and we kept this in mind when exploring the material and searching for themes. The coding enabled us to see the data in a different light, giving us “tools to think with” (p. 32).

As a CEO for a small and growing company, I have hired John for the past four years and he has successfully completed 510K submissions and numerous compliance documents for Blackrock. John’s knowledge, professionalism and energy make him a pleasure to work with. Above all else, John impresses with his highly systematic processes and procedures to complete projects efficiently and on time. John earns my highest recommendation with his regulatory expertise, candor and proficiency. John’s knowledge, professionalism and energy make him a pleasure to work with.

Article transfer service: peer review cascade

This research emphasises the significant role of energy imaginaries, shaped mainly by past energy choices, in reconfiguring the energy system. Imaginary futures consist of elements capable of facilitating and influencing sociotechnical trajectories by projecting what futures are desirable and attainable based on current and anticipated knowledge. In this research, the visions rather than the actors are emphasised, and the main contribution is better knowledge of how powerful visions can be for legitimising political ends and technological choices. Sociotechnical narratives’ implications for decision-making in energy policy have recently been discussed by Libertson . Sociotechnical pathway research discusses different routes that the electricity grid could take.

We regularly survey reviewers to get a better understanding of their needs and how we’re doing when it comes to meeting them. Findings from the reviewer feedback programme help us to improve the reviewing experience. For example, 90% of reviewers said they would like to be able to see the final decision and other reviewers’ comments on a paper, so we added this functionality to the electronic submission system. Reciprocate professional courtesy, as authors and reviewers are often interchangeable roles – as reviewer, researchers “repay” the same consideration they receive as authors. For detailed instructions on conducting a technical peer review/inspection, see NASA Systems Engineering Handbook, Appendix N. Peer reviews are distinct from management reviews, which are conducted by management representatives rather than by colleagues, and for management and control purposes rather than for technical evaluation.

The reviewer feedback programme monitors Elsevier’s performance from the perspective of reviewers on Elsevier journals. We’ll ask you about various aspects of the reviewing system and other aspects of reviewing via an online survey. Elsevier’s performance is benchmarked against that of other publishers. A technical peer review may also be called an engineering peer review, a product peer review, a peer review/inspection or an inspection. Smart grid research does, of course, benefit from developing incremental contributions, but assumption-challenging research is also needed.

What is Technical review?

John’s explanations also include the questions we did not even know to ask, and his advice is always a practical approach to the requirements. SpectraMedEx has been a Godsend to QuadJoy, and has enabled us to help the disabled at an affordable cost. We are a small startup with a big, complex product and we need processes that are enabling rather than burdensome while we are small, but that can handle our anticipated growth.

definition of technical reviewer

The ultimate decision always rests with the editor but reviewers play a significant role in determining the outcome. Before you decide to accept a request to review, you might want to know more about the peer review process and how to conduct a review. You can also check out some of the free e-learning modules, tools and resources on Elsevier Researcher Academy. ReaderGuides team through work product during the technical peer review meeting. Many Elsevier journals therefore publish the name of the article’s handling editor on the published paper on ScienceDirect. Some journals also provide details about the number of reviewers who reviewed the article before acceptance.

Peer review reports as articles

Publication of peer review reports together with authors’ and editors’ responses alongside the article. Publication of peer review reports alongside the article, whether signed or anonymous. As a small organization with multiple FDA approved devices, Essential’s needs for a highly skilled medical device expert in regulatory and quality is critical. Further, our needs require the ability of this expert to understand the requirements and resources of our specific organization.

definition of technical reviewer

For instance, the studies from Germany often concern the Energiewende and the attendant energy landscape. The Energiewende supports decentralised renewable energy, combined heat and power, and energy efficiency —all key aspects of the smart grid—with a smart network being seen as a tool or facilitator of the transition or ‘Energiewende’. In German research, smart meters and how they can be used to accommodate more variable production have been a central issue.

The search terms are important and there are several search terms related to the smart grid that could have been used, such as “smart energy”, “smart energy systems”, “flexibility” or “community energy storage”. The aim was, however, to capture how the social scientists have studied smart grids as a system, and we were not interested in how individual subsystems have been approached or analysed in earlier studies. Moreover, to place greater focus on parts of the system or different artefacts would have been interesting but that would have involved another kind of analysis than that aimed for here.

The development of social science research on smart grids: a semi-structured literature review

In these studies, documents were examined or different professional stakeholders, most commonly those with a background in engineering or economics, were asked how they envisioned the future grid. When analysing the visions, the researcher then identified some possible pathways but also considered what actors and issues were included in and excluded from the visions. The idea was that the visions have the power to become political goals and legitimate technological choices, making them relevant from a political perspective . We are aware that the inductive nature of this review has its limitations.

Roles of participants

Some of the other Nordic countries, such as Norway and/or Sweden, are addressed in 10 of the articles. The high number of studies focusing on specific countries might be an indication of a cultural tradition where it has been established to analyse sociotechnical aspects. The reasons why some countries are under-represented and absent in our dataset can furthermore be related to what focus points have been established within higher education, and what kind of research has been prioritised by funding bodies.

They are also distinct from software audit reviews, which are conducted by personnel external to the project, to evaluate compliance with specifications, standards, contractual agreements, or other criteria. Each inspector is invited to disclose vested interests to the rest of the technical peer review panel so the Moderator can exercise sound judgement in evaluating the inspector’s inputs. Chadwick et al. , in their article dealing with household adoption and rejection, also highlighted mainstream energy consumers’ lack of understanding in their critical review of the literature on household energy traditions. Furthermore, Calver et al. interviewed households in Manchester, United Kingdom, and studied energy justice, while Milchram et al. looked into energy justice. Elsevier authors can transfer their article submission from one journal to another for free if they are rejected, without the need to reformat, and often without needing further peer review.

John and his team were an integral part of getting our company off the ground. The time, energy and expertise that referees contribute to validating the work of their peers is vital to the advancement of the academic community. Elsevier’s Reviewer Hub provides reviewers with a means of showcasing their efforts and receiving credit for their work. Technical Reviews are documented and uses a defect detection process that has peers and technical specialist as part of the review process.

By focusing, for example, on marginalised actors, resistant actors or new geographical contexts, these less studied areas can bring in new knowledge supporting smart grid solutions to be developed, which also aligns with the actors actually implementing and using them. After the smart grid’s initial existence as mere sociotechnical imaginaries, it developed beyond the first technologically oriented phase into demonstrations that could be tested by people. Accordingly, more attention was paid to how the smart grid was or would be governed, and theories relating to governing have started to become more common. “Methods” presents the methodological design and data collection methods. “Results”, we synthesise the data and analyse the trends and themes (e.g. geographical scope and theoretical aspects) identified in the dataset. “Discussion” presents the conclusions, proposes avenues for future research and discusses the limitations of this study.

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